About Me

Hello there! I'm Hannah!

I am so pleased you have taken the time to read the little outlet of my life that is my blog. The title was inspired by the well-known Shakespearean line with my own little twist. While Shakespeare used the original line in reference to romance, I think of it as being a reminder that every individual is precious, especially in the sight of Our Father, whether they look or act the same as you and I, or not. I hope to carry that attitude into treating my patients one day (I am working towards becoming a music therapist *fingers crossed*). When I become fully certified, I'd love to have it as the title of my practice.

I love music, books, and a good cup of coffee. I'm definitely not as creative as I'd like to be, but then who really is? ;)

I also took a stab at committing to a year-long journey of embracing the hard things in life at Year of Hard Things. As you can see I didn't quite make it! Good thing for me every new year brings new chances and you can see my new perspective on 2013 at Han's New Year.

"A song by another name would sound as sweet."